Train Items for Sale

From time to time items will be listed here for sale. Some are items that I am thinning out from my layout. Others may be new items that I have acquired. I am getting ready to rip out my existing layout and start over. I may have a dozen or so Atlas Customline #4 turnouts (code 80). My new layout will also use code 80 track so that I can reuse much of the flex track that I have, but I am going to be using mostly #6 turnouts. Also, I am going to switching to utilizing manual turnout throws where ever possible. Thus, I may be selling some of the 50 plus tortoise switch machines that I currently have in use.

Polly Scale Acrylic Railroad Paint from Testors

A local hobby shop went out of business. On their last day I made them an offer for their remaining stock of Polly Scale Acrylic paint in Railroad colors. I have sorted out what I can use and am going to sell the rest. I have about 60 bottles, both 1/2 oz and 1 oz in assorted colors. In all cases, the asking price is 55 percent less then the sticker price the hobby shop had on the bottles. All of the bottles are brand new, never opened. The link above will take you to a web page showing the paint, part number, color, hobby shop price, my asking price, and the number of bottles per color I currently have. I only have one bottle of most of the colors. Shipping will be extra, in most cases less than $5. Single bottle orders can probably ship in small padded envelopes for a minimal charge.

N-Scale Woodland Scenics Figurines (See note below about availability)

From the same hobby shop, I acquired N-Scale Woodlands Scenics Scenic Accents figures. Again, when the price went down, I asked a friend to pick up what they had while I was out of town. Not only did he pick up the remaining n-scale figues, he also got the revolving Woodland Scenics revolving Display rack. I have cataloged what I have and have listed the hobby shop price and my price. My price is discounted 50% from the hobby shop price. In almost every case, I have only one of an item. If someone is interested in the entire collection, including the rack, send me an email with a reasonable offer. A package deal would be well worth your while if you can make use of more than half of the items listed.

Added 9/6/2008 - Please note that ALL of the Woodland Scenics sets of people and animals are sold. The only things left are the revolving display rack (free to anyone who is willing to pay shipping on it) and the three bottles of Woodlands Scenics Accent Glue, which is listed in the in the file reached by clicking on the N-Scale Woodlands... link above. Thanks to all of you who have looked.

Page updated 9/4/2008